Monday, May 25, 2015

Finishing touches on enclosure plans

As stated, I didn't get much done this weekend! However, I did get the finishing touches done for the dimensions of the enclosure for Percy.

As such, I will start out lining the cut lines on the MDF boards, and start cutting them this week/weekend.

As proof of progress:

Also! I managed to get Vara (my Marlin Model 60) cleaned this weekend, and also took it out shooting this weekend. Vara was a bit dirty..

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Delay in projects

I don't want to go too personal on this blog, which is why I tend to only post projects posts. But, as you guys may have figured out, I am human.

As such, I'm enjoying my 3 day weekend off from work! Due to this, it means I'm being lazy and not wanting to work on stuff as much as I usually do. That, and I need to clean my apartment..

This was just a quick post to keep with a weekly blog post. Hope everyone has a good Memorial Day weekend!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Percy's new box

I've mentioned in a few places that I am planning on making an enclosure for Percy. As such, I am actually wiping up plans for it now!

I only came up with two, but the one I really like I actually 'borrowed' from another RepRap'er. Mine will have a few altered parts to it, as I don't have the same setup as him. That, and I want mine to do a bit more.

Its all tentative, but the new enclosure would have a spool roller on top, a clear window to see Percy, and a small closed off section for the RPi, ATX PSU, and temp controller.
I also plan to add a slew of toggle switches that will make the USS Enterprise jealous. These will toggle a fan, lights (both white and UV, for night printing), power on to the RPi, power to the printer, and the master power. Master power will probably be hooked up to a key switch, so I can lock the machine out.

Also, as mentioned, I plan to have two compartments. Both will independently lock. The main one will have a window, and this will be for Precy. This will alos hold the LED's I mentioned, and a webcam. Once I get this all together, I plan to set up a Twitch to livestream prints!

My doodles are crap, but I'll share none the less. There are two designs show, along with a small doodle of how I want the front plate to look, and the max dimensions of Percy.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Testing IFTTT and a few updates

This post is, first and formost, to test IFTTT. IFTTT lets you create an If/Then for a lot of internet things!! I recently set it up to allow me to automagically post a status to my Facebook page (more in a bit!) so people can follow that!

This brings me to my first update: Facebook! I now have a page (which can be found here). I know people tend to check Facebook more then anything else, but I adore the layout and ease of how Blogger works. So, best of both worlds: use Facebook as my main front, and keep using Blogger!

Next update, my 3DHubs is now active! As I mentioned in my last post, 3DHubs is like eBay for 3D printing. Anyone without a printer can find a nearby 3D printer, and commision them to print parts. I recently passed the first print, meaning I can now actually open the doors to let people request prints! My hub page can be found here, along with the 3D Print button on my side bar.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Still not a blogger...

I'm trying to keep up with this, but its a bit of a pain to get used to doing a periodic blog...thankfully, the personal issues I had that took most of my time are slowly coming to a head!

With that said, I will be giving this a good'ol booy scout try once again, in hopes of sticking with it!

Which, leads me to my newest venture: 3D Hubs.
3D hubs is a site which allows owners of 3D printers to list their printer online, to allow others to send and buy parts from said printers (or, as the site calls them, Hubs). I jumped on here do to the fact that Percy is running again! Sorta...which means:

Update number two!
Percy is getting a new ticker! The major issues I have been having with Percy ALL steam from the extruder. The design is great, but with me being totally new to the 3D printer scene when I bought Percy, I didn't take as good of care of the extruder as I should have. As such, the bearings are falling apart, and the backlash (which is a pain to get rid of and stay rid of!) has caused some damage to the gears and motor. The new extruder (whose printed parts came yesterday, and the new motor and belt are due in today!) will be installed this weekend. It will not only get rid of backlash, but allow more control over my 3D printer (as far as extrusion rates) and allow me to keep the motor cooler, and running longer.

I will be adding a 3D hubs button soon, but for now, here is a direct link (link opens in new page) to my hub! As stated, with Percy being down right now, the hub is offline.